Revive - A Quarterly Fly Fishing Journal (Volume 1. Issue 1 summer 2013) | Page 19

These are the fish that attack 6 inch streamers instead of fleeing.

These fish are big and mean and pissed off. These fish do what they

want, go where they want, and eat how and when they want.

These…..these are the fish which keep me awake at night.

Most people consider trout to be a passive fish…one that eats bugs

with fancy Latin names, flees from the slightest shadow, and

requires a certain level of delicacy and grace to fool. Those fish

exist. However, there also exists a type of trout far more dark and

mysterious. These fish are the outcasts, the black sheep, the

bullies… they don’t care about the rules or how trout are supposed

to behave.