Revival Times 2018 October 2018 | Page 18

prayer diary STRENGTHENED AND RESTORED “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” (Isaiah 40:31) W hen a person needs his bodily strength renewed, this may be achieved by eating a good meal. They have grown empty through hunger, and there is nothing inside, they must be filled up with substantial nourishment, and then the human engine will generate fresh force. Oh you, who are weak in spirit, come and feed upon Christ! They that wait upon the Lord in that way, by feeding upon the body and blood of Christ, shall find him to be meat indeed, and drink indeed, and so they shall renew their strength. Sometimes a person may renew their strength by taking a little rest. They have grown weak through stern labour and long fatigue, and they must be quiet, and repose till they recover. Oh, you weary, heavy-laden, where is there rest for you except in the Christ of God? Oh, come to God, and rest in him, and wait patiently for him! Then shall your peace be as a river, and then shall your strength be restored right speedily. Charles Spurgeon 18 Revival Times October 2018 VISION 20:20 WEEKLY CYCLE OF PRAYER FOR OCTOBER MATURE MULTIPLY MOBILISE MONDAY ENERGISE 2018 WEEK (24-27 OCTOBER): Pray that as we gather to wait upon the Lord the Holy Spirit would renew our strength , energise our service and lift us to new heights in the Lord. TUESDAY WELCOME: Pray for all our newcomers and visitors to KT this welcome month ask the Lord to add many to our number so that they can find a place amongst us to flourish and bear fruit. Pray for all who faithfully serve on the welcome and consolidation team that God would use them to make people feel comfortable and at home with us.