Over the last few years the Holy Spirit has been increasingly
drawing my attention to encouraging and teaching men, to worship
him more, and to spend good quality time in his presence.
In the current spiritual climate of refreshing he has also impressed
upon me that he will be making a distinction between those who are
led by the Spirit and who fear, love and obey him and those who seek
to glorify themselves. He will be using the former group increasingly
in the years ahead.
The meeting on the Saturday of the vision week was powerful –
the presence of the Holy Spirit was tangible! Since then I have seen
in my leaders and their cell members a new thirst for intimacy with
the Holy Spirit. There has been a rise of young women who pray
and genuinely desire to grow. One of my leaders reported, “The
girls were all really vocal about the ‘seeking God’ talk, and I think
it really hit them, because there has been an increase in the
desire for soaking.”
Another woman told me, “My desire was to have a young women’s
cell, where people would be able to share openly and grow. I started my
cell in the early 2017, and it was running every week on a Sunday, but we
struggled finding a suitable location, and people just didn’t attend. During
the vision week something shifted. I prayed about my cell and felt the
release to move our meeting to a Tuesday. Since then my cell has been
growing and flourishing, and women feel free to share”.
At the beginning of this year, I had an open vision of fire burning
and since then I began praying for more fire. Since the vision week in
January, myself and the cell members have stepped up and are moving
forward together in prayer and reading the word. There is a fresh
enthusiasm to engage in the church activities. We had a successful
one day encounter at the Summit House waiting on the Lord. We
have successfully written our goals and plans for the year. This is all
due to how the vision week impacted the body of Christ in KT. On
the whole there seems to be a new corporate identity in the
church during services.
Revival Times March 2018 13