Jesus showed us something of his vision for how
we live in his prayer of John 17. We can summarise
this with the following themes:
• Through the Word, we might be made pure
and strong in Christ
• That as the Word works in us, we would
become a radically unified body of Christians
who love and speak the truth
• That we would glorify the Father through
living this way
He was able to pray this because it’s the way he
sought to live his life. Being immersed in and nurtured
by the Word and then connecting with people around
him. Imagine what that would look like practically in
your life? What would have to change about how you
see yourself, which then feeds into how you handle
situations? What would have to change about your
perspective on loving the people around you?
When you begin to realise there’s a direction of
growth for you to set your feet to, the opportunities
and challenges become clearer ahead: “I have to
work on my trust”; “I have to work on loving difficult
people” “I have to work on seeing how my life fits with
parts of the body” “I’m not great at sharing my faith”.
The reality of this moment is an invitation to God to
get involved in your plans for the future.
Where does Bible college fit then? Every believer
is called to be fully immersed in the word of God,
to digest its meaning, and to embrace the challenge
of growing in the knowledge of God. Doing that
intentionally for 6 months or a year with God will
supercharge you! In these times, the knowledge of
God is the most valuable choice you can make in life!
Immersing yourself will not just grow you in who He
is, but it will also release new levels of life, relationship
and wisdom into your daily experience, as a result. ❖
At IBIOL, we offer two main taught options:
Full time and evening.
Full Time
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (9am-5.30pm)
with 6 month or 1 year options.
Evening School
Wednesday Evenings 7-9pm from 27
September. More details can be found in the
adverts and at, but I wanted to highlight
the key immediate features for the full time