Revival Times 2017 April 2017 | Page 5

keynote that none should perish

“ The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise as some count slowness , but is patient toward you , not wishing that any should perish , but that all should reach repentance .” 2 Peter 3:9
In my early days as a Christian , I was taught to believe that Jesus was “ coming soon ”. That was 45 years ago ! George Jeffreys , the founder of our Elim Movement , stood firmly on the truth of the Second Coming of Christ as part of his Foursquare Gospel message : Jesus Christ , Saviour , Healer , Baptiser in the Holy Spirit , and Soon Coming King . So the Pentecostal emphasis on the near return of the Lord goes back to our very beginning .
For more than 100 years , Elim has been waiting for Jesus to come back , and we are still waiting . In fact , for over 2,000 years gospel churches have been waiting . But Jesus hasn ’ t come back yet . Why ?
2 Peter 3:9 gives us , at least , one major reason . God doesn ’ t want anyone to perish . Every day that goes by , is another opportunity for people to respond to his love and to turn back to him . It ’ s not that God is slow in fulfilling his promise . It ’ s just that , for now , he ’ s extending the opportunity for people to come know him .
God ’ s love for a world that doesn ’ t know him is unfathomable . Think what it cost the Father to send his only Son into the world , so that whoever believes should not perish and be separated from him forever , but have eternal life .
That same love is operating with respect to the Second Coming . It will happen . Jesus is coming back and any apparent delay is in some significant measure due to his love . For love to be love there must be an opportunity for a free response . God is seeking the lost , drawing them by his love . But it cannot be forced upon anybody . We must be willing to choose his love .
As God ’ s children , we share in his passion for lost humanity . That ’ s why we try not to pass on any opportunity to share him , and to demonstrate his love to others . God doesn ’ t want anyone to perish and neither do we . God extends his appeal through us and we are part of his great plan that will culminate in the glorious Return of the Lord Jesus .
Colin Dye Senior Minister
Follow Colin Dye on : www . facebook . com / colindye . org
and his blog : www . colindye . com
Revival Times April 2017 5