Revival Times 2017 April 2017 | Page 12

viewpoint by Colin Dye


Colin Dye celebrates the world-changing glory of the cross

Part of Jesus ’ unique mission , why the Father sent him into the world , was to break the power of evil and death . So Jesus willingly came into the world to establish the kingdom of God , disarm the evil powers of darkness , and triumph over them .

Jesus ’ mission was so unique that not even his closest disciples could fully understand it . They waited for the Messiah – the deliverer of Israel – instead he ended up on the cross .
But rather than bringing political deliverance to Israel , Jesus was sent to reach the lost ; he was sent to save hurting people who were powerless to save themselves . So , at great personal sacrifice , he came to make atonement – to be the substitute for every member of humanity , to bear the wrath of God against sin , to reconcile man and women to each other and God .
As well as this , he was to demonstrate a life of perfect submission and consecration , to be the pattern and example for people of all ages and races . So , in his daily death to self and the desires of the flesh , Jesus came to show us how we should live and die .
And Jesus was also sent to show the world what God is like , to reveal and reproduce the glorious Father ’ s nature . So he came as God ’ s living Word , as a unique and complete revelation of the invisible God , to reproduce the divine nature in humanity .
Each aspect of Jesus ’ ministry reached its fulfilment at Calvary . Although the cross was a simple event which accomplished the single objective of our salvation , it was also a complex event , when eternity broke through into time , when humanity ’ s need , Christ ’ s mission , and all the parallel , interrelated aspects of God ’ s nature came together .
When we preach the gospel , we usually try to explain why Jesus died and what happened on the cross . It is easy , however , to focus on just one aspect or accomplishment of his death , and to present an incomplete or unbalanced picture of salvation . We must work hard to understand and proclaim the full picture of salvation in all its glory .
When we take an overview of the New Testament , we see that Jesus died for several parallel reasons which fulfilled the complementary purposes of his incarnation and messianic mission . Our understanding of ‘ salvation ’ needs to incorporate all these simultaneously .
Victory Jesus died to rescue humanity from the grip of death and Satan . Through his death , he destroyed the one who had the power of death , and released those held captive by their fear of death . He returned to earth in resurrection triumph , and ascended to heaven with ‘ the keys of hell and death ’ ( Revelation 1:18 ).
Jesus died and rose as ‘ the Victor ’ who destroys Satan ’ s last weapon , establishes the kingdom of God , sets people free , and fulfils every aspect of the Old Testament reparation sacrifice . This is salvation from Satan so that we can live in Christ ’ s victory and freedom .
Atonement Jesus also died to make atonement for humanity ’ s sin . On the cross , he appeased God ’ s wrath and delivered us from sin . He did this by accepting the blame , enduring the agony of separation from ➜
12 Revival Times April 2017