Revitalizing Christ-Centered Communities in Europe OMS OUTREACH ONLINE, Jan. - Apr. 2023 | Page 4

The Missionary Heart

By Jonathan Long , OMS Europe / Middle East Regional Director
Every OMS missionary ’ s heart desires to see lives transformed . Every day , we meet people where we live and minister who are searching for hope , peace , and joy . Some of those include our small group ( Bible study ) members in Budapest . Here is what a few growing disciples said about the ministry :
“ Why is it good to be in a small group ? Together , we study the Bible , share experiences , and help our friends , who study with us , on their journey to God . It is good that we can trust each other . They pray for me , and I pray for them .”
“ Regular Bible reading is becoming a deeper habit in my life , and the words of the Word are shaping my way of thinking , my character .”
“ I recommend that everyone be in a small group . It grows our relationships with God , deepens our biblical knowledge , makes us more curious about the treasures of the Bible , and helps us grow closer to each other .”
As OMS missionaries , we leave our homes and , for some , the security of our former jobs to share that Jesus is the source of the hope people seek . We have a deep passion to see people reborn and dramatically transformed . Scripture describes it in these terms … “ darkness to light ” … “ death to life ” … “ a new creation .”
Only the Holy Spirit can make this drastic transformation in the human heart . However , he invites us all to participate as catalysts of this change . Christ intended for all of his followers to play a critical role in bringing people into lifechanging relationships with him . By living out our faith as the body of Christ , we