Revit Server or Collaboration for Revit (C4R)? Revit Server or Collaboration for Revit 14-11-17 | Page 2
Revit Server (RS) is a server-based work-sharing method used over a wide area network
(WAN). Central models are based in one or more Revit servers. These can be accessed using
local Revit Server Accelerators, which offer better results during wide area communications.
Collaboration for Revit (C4R) is a cloud -based work-sharing method hosted in the cloud.
BIM 360 Team (formally A360 Team) is a requirement for C4R. Team members can use a
web browser to access BIM 360 Team if they are not using Revit. Then they will be able to
preview models, upload and download other project documents, etc. With C4R, central
models are stored in a file at a network location, with access for all team members.
Primarily, the workflows for both methods of Revit architectural services are almost the
same, with the main difference being the different locations for storing the central model.
Features of Revit Servers
1. Creating Local Files - The Revit open dialog is used to create a local file from a
Central model on Revit Server.
2. Work-sharing Monitor – An instant message application helps communicate with
other team members.
3. Revit Server Administrator for Folder Management - This administrator through the
open dialog in Revit creates new folders, moves or copies, cuts or pastes projects for
Revit Server.
4. Overwriting Central Model - The central model must be saved with a new name, or
it must be deleted or renamed.
5. Recent Files List - The Recently Used Files list will only display local files. Central
models do not appear.
6. Restore Local Files – It is possible to roll back local files to a previously saved version,
but this cannot be done with central models.
Revit Server runs on the concept of a central server hosting projects. The central model is
split into folders and data streams with element permissions. The server communicates with
local servers globally, which have the latest copies of project models. Local servers and the
central server can be at the same location, and with network protocols, synchronising speed
has been increased. So, those with access to a local server need not wait for data, even if
they are outside the LAN, as updated versions are regularly streamed by the central server.
Revit Server Administrator enables monitoring and review, allowing project and folder
creations from a remote location.
A cloud-based application within Revit and on the web, Conceptual Energy Analysis (CEA),
provides information about the sustainability of the project at early stages. After a design is
created, a thermal analytical model is then devised. Materials, location shading, glazing and
operating hours can be reviewed and the model is transferred to the cloud for calculations
by Green Building Studio and the best possible environmental design is thus generated.