inside inside inside inside
maneuvering the forces. This
exercise was designed to build
familiarity and interoperability
between the United States and
their Romanian allies through
squad and platoon level infantry
During the life firing, soldiers
of both subunits used heavy
infantry, anti-tank weapons
each subunit have been
integrated, and even leadership
and command authority was
transferred alternately from
the American partner Romanian
partner, so interoperability is
almost full” declared during
the application of Rotunda
range, Colonel Marius Giurca,
Commander of 61th Mountain
Troops Brigade “General Virgil
- antitank grenade launcher
- individual weapons submachine gun, machine
gun - and 17th Battalion used
armored fighting techniques,
namely the fighting machine of
the mountain troops.
“The level of interoperability
with the U.S. partner was
achieved almost entirely, from
the point of view of combat
techniques and command.
In the course of the exercise
“The Romanian mountain
troops have shown us, during
the fire range exercise, their
defense capabilities, and
we have demonstrated our
offensive and combines weapon
capabilities. It was a mutual
exchange of techniques, tactics
and procedures, and I think both
sides have benefited from these
two weeks of training,” added
Captain Christopher Orr.
“During the live fire exercise
mai 2014
revista tactica