Revista Scientific Volumen 3 / Nº 8 - Mayo-Julio 2018 | Page 17

The systematization of experiences a methodical within the investigative processes Taking into account, as mentioned, that all reconstruction requires interpretation. The commitment of the social and educational researcher is in the search of the meanings that makes him actively involved with the group he researches, and is aware of the effects that his presence produces in the context. In this sense, it is considered that the dialogue is fundamental, understood from the perspective of Fierro, Fortoul and Rosas (1999): since it is this exercise that allows critical thinking based on the confrontation of ideas, knowledge and convictions of some and others. Thus, it is argued that a teacher who seeks to reflect critically on their practice can not stay out of ideas, concepts and educational experiences of others. Regarding the methodological, Barnechea and Morgan (2007c): pose that the rigor comes, on the one hand, to make explicit the sustenance (theoretical or not) of the practice that is being considered and, on the other, of the capacity of the / the systematizer to look at it critically, understand what happened and base the knowledge produced in doing so. The dimensions of the systematization processes The systematization of experiences, according to Reyes (2008a): it has four dimensions. This author states that it is necessary to take into consideration the moments described in the following lines with the intention of giving an order to the reflective process in the method of systematizing knowledge. It affirms that the ontological dimension, which addresses the 16 Editorial knowledge is not focused on the project and the fulfillment of its objectives, but on understanding the processes that they develop from a project to extract learnings that contribute to improve the practice. (Barnechea and Morgan, 2007b:16). And second, that it is not "compiling information", but producing a consensual description, about the experience, a reconstruction of its trajectory from the participation, the observation and the stories of the intervening subjects, where the voices of the informants will be heard and their experiences will be systematized. And as in any reconstruction we must recognize that interpretation is present.