Revista Scientific Volumen 3 / Nº 8 - Mayo-Julio 2018 | Page 14

Editorial Currently in the context of the social sciences, specifically in the practice of university education it is necessary to visualize the methodology of research work that is implemented in research seminars where the systematization of experiences and knowledge is suggested as an alternative to the social research that consists in the systematization of everyday life with a vision of scientific work under the paradigm of cultural and historical phenomenon and the dialogue of the community. This methodology, from a perspective of praxeological - gnoseological, aims to recognize the wealth of knowledge generated in practice, recover those that have been valuable and relevant in various contexts and make them understandable and friendly so that others can use these experiences. Be part of a journey through this work methodology and to share the implementation that is achieved from the ontological plane of reality to enrich the formative trajectory of the students together with the social actors in common scenarios for the protagonists, which implies resizing the use of language leading to a reinterpretation of linguistic codes, generating a reconstruction of feeling and doing through the collective senses. The importance of systematization could be seen as a specific form of research that allows the recovery of knowledge and knowledge that has been effective to intervene in teaching and learning processes. The present reflection emerges from the experience of the author and his sharing in the field of social research having as a transcendental axis to university education that is why through these lines is intended to expose the work methodology that is being developed in the seminar of research that imparts at the university level in which the development of the research skills of postgraduate students has been incorporated, the systematization of experiences as the backbone and articulator of the research practice. The seminar is presented as a reflexive and integrative instance of the basic and specific knowledge of the social research teacher. Its purpose is to close the process of the formation of seminars where the participant through the articulation of the theoretical construct that the students have incorporated throughout their training, with the concrete teaching and learning situation that arises in the dialogical exchange of knowledge and select its paradigmatic 13 Editorial The Systematization of Experiences and Knowledge from the Ontology towards the Praxeology of Educational Research in the University Context