The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the
external environment and financial performance, in the context of the private
healthcare sector in Barinas (Venezuela). A review of the literature and a focus
group identified 15 environmental factors that influence this business sector.
Subsequently, the presidents of the 25 companies in Barinas were surveyed to
measure their perceptions about these environmental factors, in terms of their
Dynamism and Munificence dimensions. The results obtained in the survey and
the profitability of each company in its last financial year were analyzed with
Optimal Scaling procedures. The findings demonstrated the existence of a
strong relationship between 12 environmental factors and profitability, in which
the external environment is characterized by a great complexity, with low
dynamism (low variability / high predictability), in a munificent task environment
and an unfavorable general environment.
Keywords: strategic planning; profits; medical centres; private
Date Received: 17-07-2017
Date Acceptance: 30-10-2017
Artículo Arbitrado
External Environment and Financial Performance in the Private Health