Edition 65
64 // Year 2019
Three Types of Staff in the University of Lousvile’s
Business Operations
Executive Director for Business
Management focused on responsive
operational excellence and system
Functional Specialists:
Transactional and system specialists
with strong attention to detail
“One Stop” Customer Service
Generalists with a strong service
excellence focus
Esse modelo beneficia a equipe e os clientes. Os
especialistas funcionais que talvez não se interessem
pela interação com o cliente podem se concentrar em
maximizar a eficiência do trabalho nos bastidores.
Enquanto isso, os representantes do serviço ao cliente
podem trabalhar com os clientes para encontrar
soluções para problemas únicos. Notavelmente, esse
modelo não “custou” mais a universidade em termos
de pessoal adicional. As Operações de Negócios
simplesmente se especializaram e separaram etapas
voltadas para o cliente e processamento de transações
para alcançar um resultado ideal. Considere criar essas
funções em um modelo de Serviços Compartilhados
para garantir que o atendimento ao cliente permaneça
no centro da iniciativa.
Customer Service Rep Role
Responsible for All Customer
Interactions: Allows specialists
focusing on transactional work (who
may be less customer-oriented) to
remain behind the scenes
Serve as Points of Contact for
Business Operations Center
Processes: Campus customers have a
single contact for all services rather than
a different contact for each service
Familiar with All Business Operations
Centrer Process: Representatives
understand all services offered by the
Business Operations Center and can
easily direct customers to the right place
This model benefits both staff and customers.
Functional specialists who might not be energized
about customer interaction can focus on maximizing
efficiency of behind-the-scenes work. Meanwhile, the
customer service representatives can work with clients
to find solutions to unique problems. Notably, this model
did not “cost” the university more in terms of additional
staff. Business Operations simply specialized and
separated customer-facing and transaction-processing
steps to achieve an ideal outcome. Consider building
these roles into a shared services model to ensure that
customer service remains at the center of the initiative.