straight to history. Other episodes which also went to
Brazil’s history were the possibility of left wing projects
reach power, leaded by Lula and Brizola, that is, the
1989 elections; the election of Fernando Collor for
President; and the rebellious cry of the singer Cazuza
portraying his non-conformism towards bourgeoisie.
During that decade, in which Ayrton Senna conquered the Formula 1 world tree-championship,
Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel made the
Trinta, from Beija-Flor. The carnival-man gave to the
country one of the most symbolic and polemic moments of Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival history: “Rats and
Buzzards, let go of my fancy costume”. On the Avenue, sections composed of beggars, drunkards and
Nilópolis poor minors, mixed up with actors in performances which included climbing up to the boxes and
stealing the watchers snacks. The theme, according to
the carnival-man, referred “not only to the physical
garbage but also to the moral, mental and spiritual garbage of a hypocrite society that excludes and sets aside
insane people”. It didn’t win the Carnival, but went
double chaompionship 1990/1991 with the themes
“Turn around, Mocidade has arrived” and ”Chue …
Chuá … the waters will tumble”, with carnival-man
Renato Lage and Lilian Rabelo. In 1992, Estácio de
Sá – with “Pauliceia Desvairada (Wacky São Paulo),
70 years of modernism in Brazil”, of Mário Monteiro
and Chico Spinoza – made the public at the grandstands dance with the rhythm of its notable percussion
drums; the following year, 1993, Salgueiro, with the
anthology-like “I took an Ita at the North (Ita: a passengers coastal boat)”, of Mário Borriello, closes the
first “sambódromo-decade”.
bi-championship in 1987 with the theme “The Kingdom of Words, Carlos Drummond de Andrade”.
Deemed as one of the most beautiful samba-themes
of Carnival history, “Kizomba, the courage feast”,
gave the championship to Vila Isabel, in 1988.
In the following year, Max Lopes, with “Freedom,
freedom, open the wings over us!” opened the doors
for Imperatriz Leopoldinense’s winning journey, but
the cherry on the cake was reserved for Joãosinho