Revista Energyear Andina 2018 Revista Energyear 2018 | Page 24

Enertis is a global Consulting and Engineering firm, a leader in the renewable energy sector and pioneer in the provision of testing and quality assurance services. Enertis started its business activity back in 2007, and has accumulated a global track-record of more than 32,000 MW in 45 countries worldwide. As specialists in technical advisory, we have an integral understanding of renewable energy projects, covering technical, environmental, financial and contractual aspects. Our mission is to guarantee the maximum profitability for our clients and an adequate management of their project risks by providing innovative high added-value services based on a team with technical expertise and “hands-on” experience. As a 360º service provider, we can provide high-quality services at any stage of a projects life cycle, from the analysis of different solutions for power purchase agreements up to feasibility and resource studies, the design of the plants, construction and commissioning oversight, and annual revision to guarantee the proper operation of the facilities, amongst others. Your partner of trust during all the stages of a project’s lifecycle: Pre-planning +1,000 Renewable projects Planning & Development Implementation & Construction +45 Countries worldwide Operation & Asset Management +32GW Track record MAIN OFFICES: MADRID · SPAIN, SAN FRANCISCO · USA, SANTIAGO DE CHILE · CHILE WORLDWIDE OFFICES: JERSEY CITY · USA, MEXICO DF · MEXICO, PANAMA · CENTRAL AMERICA, BOGOTA · COLOMBIA, BUENOS AIRES · ARGENTINA, BRIGHTON · UNITED KINGDOM, CAPE TOWN · SOUTH AFRICA, SHANGHAI · CHINA