Revista El Cabás Nº 30 Curso escolar 2021-2022 | Page 21


That day was unforgettable for the Robert family. Many things had changed, and they wouldn’t return to their beginning.

Everyone was asleep, the silence invaded the mansion… Suddenly, the middle brother, Matheo, woke up because he was thirsty. When he got out of bed, he noticed that his little brother, Harry, wasn’t in his bed. He looked around and then he saw him. Harry was sitting on the edge of the window. Matheo called him several times to prevent him from making a mistake. Harry seemed not to hear him, until he suddenly turned his entire body and head. He had no face, his chest was open and bleeding and his pyjama was full of holes. The blood was spilled all over his body, reaching the remains of the pyjama and skin.

Harry was getting closer to Matheo, who tried to walk away, but his legs didn’t move. All he could do was screaming. The older one, Tom, finally woke up and went to his siblings’ room. When he arrived, he found Matheo lying on the ground without his face and with his whole chest open, just like the little one, who was still standing. Tom ran to his parents’ room. They didn’t believe him until they saw Harry and Matheo lying on the floor. Terrified, they looked around the room trying to find out what had happened. But there was one thing that scared them more. In the sky, a message was written with smoke, next to the children’s faces. It said: “The prophecy has been done again and will be repeated until the wound is closed”.

Nowadays, no one knows the meaning of that phrase yet, but despite that, there are families who continue wanting to buy the Roberts’ mansion every century, even though everything ends fading away.

Eva García Rodrigo, 3º ESO A

One Night in the Madhouse

It was on October 31st when John, a young 13 year-old Youtuber decided to record a Halloween special for his channel. That special video consisted in spending the night in an old, abandoned madhouse. He was so excited that he did not hesitate a second to leave and, in the rush, he forgot his cell phone.

He arrived at the madhouse and prepared his camera to start filming. Once it started filming, John focused a close-up of the entrance and mentioned all the black legends of that place. There were many rumours, but the most widespread one was that Jack’s spirit still wandered there. Jack was a patient who, without knowing how, freed himself from his chains and unleashed a riot that killed every worker and, later, the patients themselves. When John finished his story, he entered that gloomy place. The first thing he saw was a strange, dark, and scary atmosphere, but that did not stop John, so without thinking, he began to record the rooms. He could not help noticing that in each one of the rooms the phrase “Help, Jack is coming” was written in blood. Seeing this, John remembered another rumour which said that when Jack took control of the building, he began to eat his companions alive. Instead of backing off John’s idea, he thought that this rumour would get him more views on his channel.

As he continued, the chaos and the marks of violence grew and became more visible. John began to hear a choked cry from a child, and with a breath of courage, he decided to go check what it was. After a long and creepy corridor, he arrived at the room from which the crying came out. Slowly, John opened the door and saw an empty room. The crying stopped, John wanted to ask for help, but he did not have his cell phone and even if he shouted, no one would hear him. Alone and scared, John wanted to escape from there and began to run. As he moved, some screams of a lunatic laughter became louder and louder, when he reached the door, a large shadow stopped John, it was Jack.

John woke up in a cold room with barely any light, there was no door, there was only a narrow window which was too high for him to reach. In the middle of the room, there was a table, a chair, a note and a gun. John sat down and read the note, which said “The only way out is in the barrel”. John was so scared that he sat on his knees in one of the corners and started crying. Hours or even days passed, it was not possible to know for sure, since the only contact he had with the outside was a small window through which hardly any light passed. John lost all hope and, finally, sat down in the chair, with a sigh, he put the gun over his head. He hesitated a moment, but in the end the fear and loneliness got the better of John, and he fired.

Javier Roncero García, 3º ESO C