Revista Digital de Divulgación Cientifica entrevistas (4) | Page 13
Charles Darwin | The trip in the Beagle
The trip began on December 27, 1831 from the port of Davenport, the name of the ship HMS Beagle. The objective of this
expedition led by Captain Fitzroy, was the topographical study of the southern territories, in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego,
following the coast of Chile, Peru and some Pacific islands, they also had to make a chain of chronometric measures (measure
time) around the world.
The trip was prepared for a duration of 5 years, a trip that took Darwin to travel the entire coast of South America and spend
the last year to visit islands such as Galapagos, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Mauritius and the coast from South Africa
The first letters that Darwin sent to the Reverend Henslow impressed him so much that some of them were read before the
Philosophical Society of Cambridge, where he soon raised interest, that young man and what in his letters they related.
The consequences of this trip that ended on October 2, 1836, were a lot of scientific achievements obtained by Charles
The Theory on Coral Reef Formation due to its growth at the edges and top of slowly sinking islands.
Geological structure of Islands such as Santa Elena
Relationship between the fauna and flora of the Galapagos Islands and the species of South America
Differences between specimens of the same animal or plants collected in different islands, reasoning that put in doubt the