Revista digital- 2da guerra mundial Segunda Guerra Mundial | Page 17


Do you know that during WWII there was a big genocide where 17 million of innocent people died? It is considered one of the saddest episode in human history

The holocaust ocurred during Wold War II when Hittler was leader of Germany. Dice millon Jewish people we're murdered by the Nazis. This included as one millón Jewish children. Million of other people that Hittler didn't like we're killed too, Included Polish people catholics, serbs and handicapped people. It is thought that the Nazis murdered more Than 17 million innocent people

Jewish from all over Europe were deported to different types of concentration camps

The Nazis killed the Jews by firing them when their conduct was not good. The Children and some women were taken to the gas Chamber to reduce the number of people inside the concentration camps. The other people starved or survided

The holocaust ended in 1945 when the Allies defeated the axis. It is they who discover the horrors of this great genocide.

In conclusion, the Holocaust was an event that marked humanity. We made ourselves reflect on the attitude and lack of heart of the Nazis, esoecially Adolph Hittler. Events like these in history are those that invite us to be better people and to change out personality, we must be more aware and know what affects me and other people.