Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) September 2018 | Page 11

would make the diagnosis of CRPS type II. This a long-lasting disease which makes the multidisciplinary approach the cornerstone for the correct approach and planning. 11 The complexity and the rarity of this pathology on a high-level athlete created a deep and constant discus- sion in order to take advantage of several medical specialties for plan- ning the treatment of this athlete. Although there aren’t consen- sus protocols for the treatment 12-14 , and in order to promote a fast and complete rehabilitation, the athlete followed a complete and long-lasting recovery functional program as whole, since he was without sports competition for some months, allied to percutaneous electrostimulation, physiotherapy and pharmacological agents. The good functional recovery avoided sympathectomy blockages, cognitive behavior therapy, neuro- modulation and stimulation of neu- roplasticity, which are usually used for the chronic and refractories cases. On high competition athletes, where the time out of competition is very important, it is fundamental to explain the pathology and to involve the athlete to follow a long treat- ment plan to have healing without sequelae of CRPS. Between 30 and 50% of patients with CRPS, especially those with late diagnosis and treat- ment, have clinical recurrence and/ or irreversible functional sequelae: chronic pain and edema, ulceration, skin infection, dystonia and myo- clonus. In this case report, of particular interest for the clinical rarity that it represents, the recommended treatment allowed the athlete the return to sports at a pre-injury level, without relapse and sequelae of the CRPS, which are quite often found associated with this pathology. The authors declare no conflicts of inte- rest or economic. Correspondence to: [email protected] Bibliography 1. Goebel A et al: Complex regional pain syn- drome in adults: UK guidelines for diagnosis and manegement in a prymary and secondary care. London: RCP, 2012. 2. Harden, RN et al: S. Complex regional pain syndrome: Practical diagnostic and treatment guidelines, 4 th edition. Pain Medicine, 2013; 14(2):180-229. 3. Harden RN et al: Proposed new diagnostic criteria for complex regional pain syndrome. Pain Med, 2007; 8(4):326-31. 4. Pons T et al: Potencial risk factors for the onset pf complex regional pain syndrome tipe I: a systematic literature review. Anaesthesiology Reserche and Practice, 2015; 2015:95639. 5. Brukhner & Khan´s Clinica Sports Medicine, 2012; 4 th Edition. Austrália. Mc Graw Hill. 6. Santos DM et al: Síndrome dolorosa regional complexa tipo I num atleta de boxe. Rev Medi- cina Desportiva informa, 2015; 6(5):6-8. 7. Gaer B et al: Complex regional pain syndro- mes – type I: reflex sympathetic dystrophy and type II: causalgia. Bonica´s Management of Pain, 3 rd ed Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2001; 389-408. 8. Martinez EM et al: Síndrome de dolor regional complejo. Semin Fund Esp Reumatol, 2012; 13(1)31-36. 9. Allen G et al: epidemiological review of 134 patients with complex regional pain syndrome assessed in a chronic pain clinic. Eur J Pain, 1999; 80:539-544. 10. Shurmann M et al: Imaging in early post- traumatic complex regional pain syndrome: a comparision of diagnostic methods. Clin J Pain, 2007; 23(5):449-457. 11. Harden RN et al: Interdisciplinary Manage- ment. In: Harden RN, ed. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Treatment Guidelines. Milford, CT: RSDSA Press; 2006:12–24. 12. Trand D et all: Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome: a review of the evidence. Can J Anesth, 2010; 57:149-66. 13. White A et al: Medical Acupuncture: A Wes- tern Scientific Approach, 2016; 2 nd . Elsevier. 14. Rowbotham MC: Pharmacologic management of complex regional pain syndrome, Clin J Pain, 2006; 22(5):425-9. 15. Van Der Laan L et al: Sever complications of reflex sympathetic dystrophy: infection, ulcers, chronic dema, dystonia and myoclonus. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998; 79:424-9. 15.º Curso de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Desportiva Destinatários: Licenciados em Medicina / Mestrado Integrado em Medicina (Portugal, Brasil e PALOP) Programa Geral: • Bioquímica e farmacodinâmica • Fisiologia do exercício • Anatomia funcional • Ortotraumatologia e Reabilitação desportiva • Prevenção de lesões • Pneumologia e Alergologia • Cardiologia • Clinica médico-desportiva • Nutrição • Psicologia • Exame médico-desportivo • Urgências em Medicina Desportiva • Populações especiais • Temas específicos em Medicina Desportiva • Dopagem • Prescrição de exercício • Exercício em ambientes extremos • Avaliação médica do atleta de rendimento Duração: Outubro de 2018 a Julho de 2019, sábados, das 9h às 13h e 14h às 18h Frequência (2 opções): Presencial ou Videoconferência em direto ou diferido Candidaturas: Em até 10 de Setembro de 2018. O número de vagas é limitado. Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa september 2018 · 9