Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) September 2018 | Page 7

targeted therapy. On those cases where rapid results are urgent or when the non-molecular tests fail to identify the microorganism, mole- cular tests should be done. However, they won’t show the sensitivity of the microorganism to the different antibiotics. On the other hand, the coprocultures can be positive for colonized microorganisms, com- promising the interpretation of the results, which makes the clinical findings crucial. Recent studies have shown some role, albeit marginal, of the pre and of the probiotics for prevention and therapy of the TD. However, the evidence is still scarce to routinely recommended it. The adequate, and not exagge- rated, prophylaxis and therapy of TD are considered fundamental in these recommendations, not only to restore the well-being of the individual, to keep the plans traced for the travel, as well as to avoid the consequences, often chronic, which may exist on the long-lasting intestinal symptomatology. Of these, it is highlighted the post-infection syndrome of irritable bowel, whose diagnosis may be based on the Rome IV criteria, in which a previously gastrointestinal healthy individual maintains symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation after an episode of TD, where the microbiological investigation and other underlying pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are negative. Comment Nowadays, where every corner of the world is at a distance of a snap fingers, and where perhaps the technology has evolved faster than the Human body, it becomes more urgent that medicine pay attention and progresses with regard to dis- eases and conditions inherent to the mobility of the persons around the four corners of the world. The revolution of these recommen- dations, based on the classification of the TD according to its functional impact, implies, in the meantime, that health care system is focus in the training of the traveler during the planning of the trip, with structured traveler consultations, that can turn the traveler on auto- nomous person that allow him to become aware of his/her condition of patient and of the severity, when he/she should (or should not) start therapies directed at the problem and which therapies are best suited to each condition. It is therefore intended that, in a practical way, the kit to approach the TD is as man- datory as the passport, in order the journey, dreamed and planned over the years, is not conditioned or even interrupted by the disease. Of course, this kind of autonomi- zation of the traveler, that implies the autonomous taking of medi- cation by laypeople, is not just an individual matter. When it is at the disposal all antibiotic therapies, there is a probably contribution for the increase of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains, these individuals will be carriers, with implications on public health. Thus, it is fundamen- tal that travelers are also alerted to this problem, with the notion of the risks and benefits of the antibiotics, to have conscious and non-indiscri- minate ingestion. 1. Riddle MS, Connor BA, Beeching NJ, DuPont HL, Hamer DH, Kozarsky P, Libman M, Emma R, Taylor D, Tribble DR, Villa J, Singer P, Ericsson CD. Journal of Travel Medicine, 2017, Vol 24, Suppl 1, S63–S80. PÓS-GRADUAÇÕES FORMAÇÃO CONTÍNUA ENSINO PRESENCIAL OU À DISTÂNCIA CANDIDATURAS: 15 OUT A 2 NOV 2018 Curso Básico de Eletrocardiografia Curso Inicial de Auscultação Cardíaca Destinatários: Licenciados/Mestrados em Medicina, Enfermagem, Cardiopneumologia e estudantes de Medicina do ciclo clinico (4º, 5º e 6º ano) CANDIDATURAS: 10 DEZ 2018 A 15 JAN 2019 Medicina do Futebol Destinatários: Licenciados ou detentores de Mestrado integrado em Medicina, com pós-graduação ou especialidade em Medicina Desportiva Nutrição Clínica na Medicina Geral e Familiar Destinatários: Licenciados ou detentores do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Enfermagem ou Farmácia. MAIS INFORMAÇÕES E: [email protected] T: 22 04 26 922 MEDICINA DESPORTIVA Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa september 2018 · 5