Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) November 2018 | Page 9

female athlete. The preservation of the bone mass is especially impor- tant during adolescence and at the onset of the adulthood. It is very important to identify the first year of amenorrhea of the athletes, since the loss of bone mass is more active during this period. The criteria for diagnosis of osteoporosis in children is the z-score, associated to the clini- cal risk factors. The athletes have more chance to develop eating disorders than the general population and this kind of problem can arise in any athlete. The low energetic intake and the eating disorders occur as a spec- trum, this is, from a not intentional low intake to calorie, protein and/ or fat restriction and pathological behaviors of weight control to the classical diseases of food behavior. In this kind of situations, the pri- mary prevention is the main objec- tive. Menstrual dysfunction is a t least 2 to 3 times more frequent in the athletes than in the no-athlete women, where the athlete is at risk of primary or secondary amenor- rhea. The intense exercise doesn’t necessarily cause menstrual dys- function provided there is enough energetic intake. The female athlete triad is a medical condition that involves three interrelated compo- nents: low energetic intake (with or without eating disorders), menstrual dysfunction, and low bone mineral density, which obliges the interven- tion of a multidisciplinary team. Physical exercise during pregnancy is in general safe, although there are some risks: environmental exposure, dehydration, hypoxia and uterine trauma. The intra uterine device is an accepted method for contracep- tion for the athletes. In this test of mine there were sev- eral important aspects not referred in relation to the 10 situations that were analyzed in the paper. A care- ful reading is highly advised – it is consensus statement. 1. Female Athlete Issues for the Team Physician: A Consensus Statement – 2017 Update. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2018 May;50(5):1113-1122. PÓS-GRADUAÇÕES FORMAÇÃO CONTÍNUA Dra. Maria João Dias Coutinho Martins, Resident doctor of Medical General Practitioner USF, Freamunde a ENSINO PRESENCIAL OU À DISTÂNCIA Physical activity and the risk of preterm birth: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies, 2017 1 The pattern of physical activity for the population in general is still below of the desired, but, however, is keeping growing the population’s concern to seek a healthy life style. Increasingly it is observed the crea- tion of social currents that stimu- late a healthy diet and the increase of the physical activity. Pregnant women show superior patterns of inactivity, where the counseling in this field is quite often determined by cultural influences, more than by scientific evidence. However, the importance of counselling has grown up, especially by showing the information from recent scientific studies about the several benefits of physical exercise during this period of life of the pregnant woman. In despite of intense scientific evolution in this filed, the association between physical activity and the risk of preterm delivery (PTD) keep inconsistent results in the studies, some point to an inverse relationship, while others didn’t find any signifi- cative association. This systematic review come as a try to clarify this relationship, and the authors have the private interest in clarifying the existence of dose-response for the activity, the potential confounders and other characteristics that are responsible for the heterogeneity of the results previous published. In the paper, PTD is defined as the delivery before 37 complete weeks of gestation, which is responsible for about 23% of deaths of 3,6 million of neonatal deaths in the world, and in 2012 there was an estimated number of 15 million PTD world- wide. Still, in the same paper, it is indicated that preterm babies have a higher risk of cognitive and develop- ment incapacities. There are several established risk factors, like alcohol and smoke CANDIDATURAS: 10 DEZ 2018 A 15 JAN 2019 MEDICINA DO FUTEBOL 3,5 ECTS | 28 horas Comissão Científica: Prof. Doutor Francisco Rocha Gonçalves Prof. Doutor José Carlos Noronha Prof. Doutor João Brito Destinatários: Médicos com pós-graduação ou especialidade em medicina desportiva Horário: 3ª feiras das 18h às 22h I 12 março a 21 maio 2019 Valor: 350€ MEDICINA DO FUTEBOL Mais informações E: [email protected] T: 22 04 26 922 Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa november 2018 · 7