Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) November 2018 | Page 17

athlete and to the prescribing doctor. As soon there is an authorization by e-mail the treatment can be started. And in the case of a medical emergency? In this can the treatment can be done and only after the TUE is sent. If the treatment is made at the hospital, it should be sent an official report of the emergency episode with the identification of the prescribing doctor. For the surgery, the surgical report should be sent as well where the consumed drugs must be included, namely the anal- gesic drugs and others. Does the answer to this TUE takes long? The law says that the answer must arrive in 21 days after the applica- tion. However, usually it is faster, and on average it takes 3 or 4 days maximum. Sometimes, the TUE commission ask for more informa- tion or additional reports obliged by WADA, that should then be appreci- ated by the commission and they are fundamental to validate the TUE. In these cases, the answer might take longer to arrive. If a TUE is denied, does the athlete have the right to appeal? The athlete can always appeal and also later can exist a refuse of that TUE issued by the national authority when travelling to an international event (Olympic games, for example) if that TUE hasn’t been yet validated by that international authority. So, for football, for instance, a national team player should apply to UEFA or to FIFA and also the players partici- pating on Champions League should apply to UEFA. The rules for appeal- ing are described on the World Anti-doping Code and it involve from both parts an adequate legal procedure. What is the system ADAMS? In Portugal, and after consultation It is a system where all the informa- tion and administration of all activ- ity of the athletes and of the organi- zations involved on the anti-doping control is concentrated. The infor- mation is available worldwide, but it has a restrict access, where only the athlete and some organizations can get in. The information related to the TUE is also included here and that is why some extra information or reports are asked by the commis- sion in order to fulfil some require- ments of WADA, and not because of mistrust over the athlete or over the prescribing doctor. of the Prontuário Terapêutico of Infarmed, clenbuterol is available in association with ambroxol as syrup or pills. There aren’t generic medications of this active substance and the commercial names are Ventoliber and Mucospas. The iso- lated search as clenbuterol didn’t show any result. In January 2018, Infarmed laun- ched an alert about a not author- ized website and about several pages on the social nets that were selling several illegal medicines What advices would you like to leave here related to the prescription of medication? and advised against its use due to a) D  o not take any medication, even when it is advertised that is free sale, natural or that is being tak- ing by other athlete without con- sultation of the assistant doctor; b) The athlete must inform the doc- tor that he/she is an athlete and that might be some limitation on prescription; c) To keep all reports of any medical consultation or visit to the hospi- tal (emergency) and also a copy of the prescription; d) To have all diagnostic comple- mentary exams that prove his/her medical condition. with a lot of information in the health risks. In the list there was the clenbuterol, which is a product net. The search by the word “clen- buterol” resulted in about 3970000 results. According to a page of ASAE (updated in May 2013), “the utili- zation is authorized acordng to the law – c) do Artigo 6º do De- creto-Lei nº 185/2005 of 4 th of No- vember – for treatment in the to- colis induction for inhibition of preterm birth in cows, done by a veterinarian doctor, on an individ- ual basis and by injection”. In the Useful links for the TUE: same page it is referred the poten- 1. 2018%20-%20Determinacoes%20para%20 a%20solicitacao%20de%20AUT.pdf 2. ADoP%20ESPAD%20033%20Rev.%2008-%20 Anexo%20AUT.docx 3. terapeutica/documentos_ama.aspx 4. -%20Lista%20de%20Substancias%20e%20 Metodos%20Proibidos%202018.pdf 5. Lista%202018%20-%20Programa%20de%20 Monotorizacao.pdf 6. tial for unintentional ingestion of clenbuterol when eating meat and liver from contaminated animals. It is also indicated that “the first described case occurred in Spain, where 135 persons got sick after ingestion of liver with sediments of clenbuterol” and “in Portugal, there are four related cases – Ourém (1998), Lousã (2000), Ovar (2001) and Peso da Régua (2002), where respectively 10, 2, 34 and 4 people, due to the consumption of lamb, liver and beef (Barbosa et al., 2005)”. Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa november 2018 · 15