Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) March 2018 | Page 27

identify, being that several imaging methods can be used for the correct diagnosis. Treatment may vary from conservative to surgical depend- ing on stability and the presence or absence of dislocation. In surgi- cal treatment, fixation by different methods or primary arthrodesis are viable options, however, the latter technique is not recommended for the athletic population. Acknowledgments Mrs. Sandra Martins (nurse) for the colla- boration in the collection of photographic material. The authors declare no conflicts of inte- rest or economic conflicts. Correspondence to: Luís Duarte Silva, Clínica do Dragão, Espregueira-Mendes Sports Center – FIFA Medical Center of Excellence, Porto. [email protected]; phone: 220 100 100 References 1. Stavlas P, Roberts CS, Xypnitos FN, Gian- noudis PV. The role of reduction and internal fixation of Lisfranc fracture-dislocations: a systematic review of the literature. Int Orthop. 2010; 34:1083-1091. 2. Peicha G LJ, Seibert FJ, Grechenig W, Wei- glein A, Preidler KW, Quehenberger F. The anatomy of the joint as a risk factor for Lisfranc dislocation and fracture-dislocation. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2002; 84-B. 3. Sayeed SA, Khan FA, Turner NS, 3rd, Kitaoka HB. Midfoot arthritis. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2008; 37:251-256. 4. Kelikian AS, Sarrafian KS. Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle: Descriptive, Topographic, Functional. Philadelphia, PA, : Lippincott Company; 1993. 5. Desmond EA, Chou LB. Current concepts review: Lisfranc injuries. Foot Ankle Int. 2006; 27:653-660. 6. Wright MP, Michelson JD. Lisfranc injuries. BMJ. 2013; 347:f4561. 7. Myerson MS, Cerrato RA. Current manage- ment of tarsometatarsal injuries in the athlete. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008; 90:2522-2533. 8. Quenu E KG. Etude sur les luxations du metatarse (luxations metatarsotarsiennes) du diastasis entre le 1 er et le 2 e metatarsien. Rev Chir. 1909; 39:281-336, 720-291, 1093-1134. 9. Nunley JA, Vertullo CJ. Classification, investigation, and management of midfoot sprains: Lisfranc injuries in the athlete. Am J Sports Med. 2002; 30:871-878. 10. Shakked RJ. Lisfranc Injury in the Athlete. JBJS Rev. 2017; 5:e4. 11. Welck MJ, Zinchenko R, Rudge B. Lisfranc injuries. Injury. 2015; 46:536-541. 12. White TW, Mckenzie SP, Gray AG. McRae’s Orthopaedic Trauma and Emergency Fracture Management: Elsevier; 2016. 13. Crim J. MR imaging evaluation of subtle Lis- franc injuries: the midfoot sprain. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2008; 16:19-27, v. 14. Preidler KW, Peicha G, Lajtai G, et al. Con- ventional radiography, CT, and MR imaging in patients with hyperflexion injuries of the foot: diagnostic accuracy in the detection of bony and ligamentous changes. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1999; 173:1673-1677. 15. Englanoff G, Anglin D, Hutson HR. Lisfranc fracture-dislocation: a frequently missed diagnosis in the emergency departme