Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) March 2018 | Page 21

and rely on the collaboration of several other professionals , such as the exercise specialist , physical trainer , physiotherapist and coach , taking into consideration aspects as crucial as the initial realization of an evaluation Which will allow the subsequent correction of asymmetry and movement patterns , the additional training inclusion of the Core , Balance and Plyometric and the use of myofascial release techniques . The clinician will compete to know these concepts and coordinate the preventive process . Allied to the knowledge of the principles of training , Adoption of the set of strategies presented will reduce the number and severity of injuries suffered by football players .
The authors deny any conflict of interest
Correspondence Rodrigo Miguel Arsenic of the Red Saints rodrigoruivo @ clinicadasconchas . pt
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Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa march 2018 · 19