Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) March 2018 | Page 19

The score of 3 indicates that the movement was completed according to the instructions and does not present any movement and pain compensation . The score of 2 indicates that the athlete completed the pain-free movement , but with some level of compensation , and the score of 1 indicates that the athlete was unable to complete the movement as instructed . A 0 is assigned if the athlete experiences pain in any part of the movement . Of the seven tests that make up the FMS , five of them ( transpose an obstacle , lunges , shoulder mobility , active hip flexion in supine and stability in rotation ) are carried out and sorted separately to the right and left sides of the body . By assigning the score to a test , which incorporates the left and right side , the smallest of the two results is used for the final score . The FMS general score can vary from 0 to 21 . 7
Several studies have used the value of 14 as a critical limit , while predictor of injury 8 . 9 And they refer that the risk of injury is higher in athletes whose total score is less than 14 . 7 . 8 Kiesel et al . ( 2017 ) Analyzed , retrospectively , the relationship between the FMS score for American football players and the likelihood of injury . The FMS scores were obtained in the pre-season in 46 players . It was concluded that the likelihood of injury was 11.7 times higher in players with a total score less than 14 points . 8
The purpose of the functional evaluation with the FMS test battery , the Overhead Squat or several other tests , such as the balance leg test , it is intended to determine the existence of some failure in the strategy of stabilization and / or movement of the player for preventive action .
Respect the ideal functional strength ratios of the body
alteration of this relationship places the posterior muscles of the thigh and the anterior cruciate ligament at greater risk of injury . The optimal ratio is 1:1 in the comparison between the eccentric strength value of the hamstrings muscles and the concentric strength value of the quadriceps . 10
In the perspective of countering the fragility of the posterior muscles of the thighs of football players , it is suggested the inclusion of training sessions of strength for this musculature at a preparatory stage of the sporting season and also later , respecting the principles of progressive and adaptation during the competitive period , with adjusted intensity and volume . Some of the exercises that may be carried out are the Nordic exercise or the exercise of leg Curl . Players with values above the critical strength limits in the relationship hamstrings / quadriceps have fewer occurrences and recurrences of injuries hamstring muscles . 11 In a more holistic perspective of strengthening the musculature of the lower body , the squat can be considered a great option of strength training , due to the athletes , whenever the clinical situation permits , Figure 1 – The overhead squat to achieve a large range of movement ( Full squat ) for increased muscle involvement of the large gluteus . 12 prevent and assist in the recovery of lesions at ankle level . In the study of Mchugh ( 2007 ) the incidence of ankle sprain was evaluated by indirect trauma before and after the intervention in 175 football players . 13 The intervention lasted three years and consisted of a balance and stability training protocol on a foam roller . In each sportseason this protocol was applied for 5 days a week , for 4 weeks in the preseason and twice a week during the season . The results showed that there was a reduction in the occurrences of ankle sprain after the intervention , which is according to results
14 . 15 obtained by other authors .
The equilibrium training allows the diversification of the sensory stimuli applied to the athlete , the improvement of the proprioception and posture Control . 15 At the same time , a positive transfer is achieved for the actual training and competition situations , in which there is sometimes some irregularity of the game terrain and approach and
Ref . https :// dta0yqvfnusiq . cloudfront . net / thefitnesstraineracademy / 2015 / 10 / image04 . png
In the lower body , there should be an optimal ratio of 100-60 / 70 % ( concentric strength values ) between posterior and anterior thigh musculature . That is , the quadriceps muscles should be able to produce higher values of strength than the hamstrings muscles , but the latter should not be much weaker than the first , which often happens . The
Balance Training
Equilibrium exercises carried out with or without unstable surfaces ,
Figure 2 – Tests of the Functional Movement Screening
Ref . https :// www . physio-pedia . com / images / 6 / 60 / FMS . jpeg
Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa march 2018 · 17