Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) July 2018 | Page 13

Rev . Medicina Desportiva informa , 2018 ; 9 ( 4 ): 11-14 .


Extracorporeal shock wave : an Effective therapeutic approach for the treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

Dra . Maria João Berkeley Cotter 1 , Dra . Ana Catarina Matias 2
Residente ; 2 Specialist . Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine . Hospital of Braga . Portugal
Objective : To evaluate the effect of focal extracorporeal shock waves in chronic plantar fasciitis . Material and Methods : An analysis of data collected prospectively from outpatients treated at a Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine department was performed ( clinical and anthropometric data , pain with visual analogue scale , number and intensity of treatments performed ). Results : Final sample of 35 feet ( 29 patients ). The mean number of treatments was 3 ( 0.20 to 0.40 mj / mm 2 ). There was an improvement of pain in 91.7 % of the patients with a complete remission of pain in 74.3 % of the cases ( p < 0.001 ). Discussion and Conclusion : Extracorporeal shock wave therapy was effective in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis in this population .
Plantar fasciitis , extracorporeal shock waves , VAS scale
Introduction / objectives
Plantar fasciitis ( PF ) is the most common cause of heel pain and represents up to 15 % of all foot symptoms requiring medical care . 1-4 This pathology is reported as the most common cause of talalgia on athletes 5 , but also in sedentary individuals . 6 , 7 Its pathophysiology has not yet is completely clear , and it is not easy to conclude which patients will improve without additional care beyond the rest and those who will benefit from a guided treatment . 8 It is thought that complaints may result from increased tension of the plantar fascia during walking . 3 Treatment options to improve / end up the symptoms of PF include activity modification , stretches for the plantar fascia , cryotherapy , massage , physical agents , orthoses during the night , NAIDs , local injections with steroids , treatment with extracorporeal shock wave ( ECSW ) and , at the end of the line , the surgical treatment . 9
The ECSW have been widely used for the last few decades as an alternative treatment option for PF due to its non-invasive nature , rapid recovery time and convenience for patients ’ daily life activities . 1 , 10 , 11 The specific mechanisms of ECSW on the musculoskeletal pain are still not clear , however , several medical studies demonstrated that it can destroy the no-myelinated nerve fibers and stimulate the neovascularization and the collagen synthesis in the degenerative tissues . 1 , 12
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the results of treatment with extracorporeal shock waves in patients with chronic plantar fasciitis , evaluated and treated at a physical and rehabilitation clinic , during a 12-month period .
Figura 1 – http :// www . iotblumenau . com . br / wp-content / uploads / 2015 / 08 / fascite- -plantar-lesoes-do-pe . jpg
Somos uma equipa que aposta na melhor qualidade possível para os resultados mais perfeitos . A formação contínua e a experiência dão-nos essa garantia de qualidade . Usamos os melhores sistemas tecnológicos :
• Sistema de Imagiologia
• Sistema CAD / CAM
• Tecnologia PRGF ( plasma rico em fatores de crescimento ).
Patologias :
• Higiene Oral
• Prostodontia Fixa e Removível
• Implantologia
• Ortodontia
• Periodontia
• Estética Dentária
• Odontopediatria
• Endodontia
• Cirurgia Oral
• Cirurgia Maxilofacial
• Oclusão
Horário : Segunda a Sexta-feira : 10:00 às 13:00 e 14:00 às 19:00 Sábado : 10:00 as 13:00 Serviço de urgências 24 Horas 964000653
Rua José Coutinho , N .º 20 , 1 .º Andar Sala 7 4465-180 S . Mamede Infesta – 229011881 Lopesmachassociados @ gmail . com
Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa july 2018 · 11