Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) July 2018 | Page 5


Finally , the edition is written in english . This magazine is published in english since march on the free Apps . Just look for writing the words : Medicina Desportiva . From now on , our knowledge and the papers we are writing , our investigation and our publications can be red worldwide . It was an antique ambition that comes true now , thanks to the support of Portuguese Foundation for Sport and Santa Casa de Misericordia , from Lisbon . It is one stimulus more to increase and to ameliorate the national production . We ’ ll be waiting for that .
The concern about the consumption of energy drinks by adolescents , particularly in Portugal , has been a topic addressed in this publication . The study “ Consumption patterns of energy drinks in Portuguese teenagers from a northern town of Portugal ” express once again some concern about the consumption . This transversal study was carried out through a self-fulfilling questionnaire and the responses from 1414 teenagers ( 11-17 years old ) were obtained , with the average age of 15,1 ± 1.5 years , 53.9 % girls ) from four public schools in Braga city . The results revealed that 34 % of respondents regularly consume them and 14.1 % do it on a weekly basis . Very troubling is that 39.9 % ingest these beverages together with alcohol . Although flavor is the most chosen answer , the energy increase ( 35 %) and the sports performance ( 33 %) were the reasons mentioned right after . A curious fact is that the highest consumption was related to the lowest school performance .
At least one symptom was mentioned in 30.6 % of the cases . All this information should be reflected and discussed in the right places . Congratulations to Drs . Albino Martins , Carmo Ferreira , Dinis Sousa and Sandra Costa . This investigation was published in the Act MedicalAct With Port 2018 Apr ; 31 ( 4 ): 207-212 ) And can be consulted on the magazine ’ s website ( www . revdesportiva . pt ).
The Australian Institute of Sport ( AIS ) and Australian Medical Association ( AMA ), with the sponsorship from the Australian Government , created the site Concussion in Sport intended to be consulted by athletes , parents , coaches and other interested parties . It is a site produced with the most recent contents , with scientific validity , with the aim to provide the best medical care if this accident occurs . They share the international concern about the high incidence on sport , as well as the potential damage to the health of the athlete , professional or not , young or adult . In the opening page there are four sections directed to athletes , coaches , parents and teachers and medical staff . Entering the section intended for the athlete , there are 15 links , of which stands out Return to Sport , a difficult situation to manage with the athlete . It also refers to the lack of adequate prompt diagnosis and the referral of the victim . Awareness and the highest degree of suspicion are important . But , if in doubt , sit them out , it can be red . The 8-minute movie ( English text ) deserves to be watched . And that can be done at the magazine website ( www . revdesportiva . pt ).
There is a lot of talk about coconut water and it seems a sacrilege to go to Brazil and
not to have it . It can be considered a juice , with low sugar , with low calories , and it has some electrolytes and vitamins . The content of saturated fat is residual ( 0.2mg / 100gr ). The contents concentration depends on the maturation . For each 100gr of coconut water there are 19 calories , 105mg of sodium , 250mg of potassium , 0.7gr of protein , 2.4mg of vitamin C , 24mg of calcium and 0.3mf of iron . It can be used for dehydration treatment after physical exercise , but also to compensate the liquid losses during diarrhea . It is a healthy drink , but the content of sodium and sugar might motivate a visit to the family doctor by the diabetic or the high blood pressure patients . A coconut can have 400ml of liquid , but if it can be not found , there is already industrial production to satisfy anybody ’ s desire . However , nothing is better than to have that small ball on the hand and tasted it with a straw .
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Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa july 2018 · 3