Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) July 2018 | Page 23

• Muscle anabolism and anti-catabolism 33
• Decreased on muscle damage
30 . 31
parameters ( CK and LDH )
• Reduction on the perception of pain and muscular fatigue , by reducing serotonin , ammonia and
31 , 32 lactate levels
• Improvement of the muscle recovery 30
• Improvement on sports performance , ensuring greater intensity
30 , 31
and endurance in training
• Raising of plasma levels of glutamine 34
• Improvement of immune
33 , 35
• Anti-aging 36 .
d ) Clinical applications
Oxidation of BCAA occurs during organic or traumatic stress , reducing their availability to the tissues . Therefore , supplementation with BCAA has been pointed out as a nutritional strategy with several clinical applications 29 :
• Ageing , through the support of mitochondrial biogenesis in the cardiac and skeletal muscle and prevention of oxidative damage 36
• Malnutrition and sarcopenia 37
• Hepatic pathology , such as cirrhosis , hepatic encephalopathy ,
35 , 37
among other
• Trauma , sepsis and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome ( SIRS ) 38
• Obesity and insulin resistance 36
• Renal and cardiac failure 36
• Regeneration of wounds 36
• Pulmonary infections and COPD 36 .
e ) Side effects Supplementation with BCAA proved to be safe and unrelated to relevant adverse effects , although this issue was not extensively studied by the scientific community
36 , 37
Daily recommended intake of protein ( 0,8g / kg / day ) does not apply to the needs of the active population . As such , hyperprotein diets constitute an excellent method to improve body composition , metabolic profile and disease prevention in active individuals . Associated with the physical exercise , they are fundamental for the maintenance or increase of muscle mass and reduction of adipose tissue , among other benefits . The metabolism of these diets proved to be safe and physiologically possible without injury to any target systems , such as renal , hepatic , locomotion and cardiovascular . Protein supplementation with whey Casein and BCAA , despite the different individual protocols , has proven to be an effective ally to achieve daily protein requirements , with numerous health benefits and no relevant associated side effects .
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest ’ s .
André Filipe Oliveira Cabrita a30423 @ fcsaude . ubi . pt Rua de Valdante n º 35 ; 4805-074 Brito – Guimarães , Portugal .
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Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa july 2018 · 21