Revista de Medicina Desportiva (English) January 2019 | Page 25

long path that the nerve is vulnera- ble to different kinds of mechanical injuries. 7,20  The majority of the trau- matic injuries of the long thoracic nerve are neuropraxic caused by direct traumatic contusion, due to its subcutaneous localization on the exit from the pectoral muscle at the level of the 4 th or 5 th rib, or by repeated movements of the athle- tes, generally because of a traction mechanism of the nerve. 20 Although the association between trauma and paralysis of the anterior serra- tus muscle is established, there is no consensus how trauma injuries de long thoracic nerve. 7 Initially, it was proposed a sudden or repeated traction of the long thoracic nerve responsible for the paralysis of the anterior serratus muscle, however, and taking into consideration the length of the nerve, it advocates that it must have a greater capacity to elongate, supported on the fact that injuries of the brachial plexus are not definitely associated with injuries of the long thoracic nerve. 4,13   The injury may occur when the nerve is out of the fascial sheath, either by traction or as an arch reflex. 21 According to the literature, there are a lot of sports with reported cases of paralysis of the long thora- cic nerve, including archery, tennis and basketball. 2 There is only one study about the incidence of injuries on futsal, referring that it is a sport with a high index of injuries, of the same type and localization of foot- ball (soccer). 22 In the study UEFA Elite Club Injury Study Report 2016/17, the injuries of the cervical area and scapular girdle in football corres- pond to less than 1.4% of the total. 23 The occurrence of direct trauma to cervical and scapular girdle, with or without impact, might occur on the futsal, and in the present case the paralysis of the anterior serratus muscle can be caused by a direct traumatism, although it is difficult to find out the exact mechanism of injury. The non-traumatic injuries include compression on several anatomic points, virus infections, allergic reac- tions to medicines, exposure to envi- ronmental toxics, C7 radiculopathy and coarctation of the aorta. 7,13  The iatrogenic injury of the long thoracic nerve is described as a consequence of chiropractic procedures, the use of axillar cans, surgeries and after general anesthesia. 7 The clinical presentation of the paralysis of the anterior serratus muscle is typically characterized by pain on the shoulder, described as a burner, with possible irradiation to the upper limb and scapula, with spontaneous resolution, associa- ted to weakness / fatigue on the shoulder and with WS 4,7,9,13,24 , like the case described in this paper. On physical exam, medial WS is gene- rally evident on rest, with medial COXA Avançando para o seu bem estar! COM PLACAS TERMOPLÁSTICAS PERNEIRA Revista de Medicina Desportiva informa january 2019 · 23