REVISTA CIENTIFICA Revista-Cientifica-2.0 | Page 8

Albert was a German physicist of Jewish origin , is considered the most well-known and popular scientist of the twentieth century . In 1905 , when he was a young unknown physicist , employed in the Patent Office of Berne , he published his theory of special relativity . In it , he incorporated , in a simple theoretical framework based on simple physical postulates , concepts and phenomena studied by Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Lorentz . Einstein ' s special attributes were indistinguishable , skeptical , emotional , magnetic , logical , intelligent psychic . He was a physicist of German origin ,
nationalized Swiss and American .
2 1 Albert Einstein with his famous formula E = mc ² In 1905 , he published his theory
of the relativity of time . As a logical consequence of this theory , he deduced the most popular equation of physics at the popular level : the mass-energy equivalence , E = mc ². That year he published other works that would lay the foundations for statistical physics and quantum mechanics . In 1915 he presented the theory of general relativity , in which he completely reformulated the concept of gravity . One of the consequences was the emergence of the scientific study of the origin and evolution of the Universe by the branch of physics called cosmology . In 1919 , when the British observations of a solar eclipse confirmed his predictions about the curvature of light , he was idolized by the press . Einstein became a popular icon of world-famous science , a privilege within reach of very few scientists . For his explanations on the photoelectric effect and his numerous contributions to theoretical physics , in 1921 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics and not for the Theory of Relativity , because the scientist who was entrusted with the task of evaluating it , did not understand it , and They feared to run the risk that later they would prove wrong . At that time it was still considered a bit controversial . Before the rise of Nazism , around December 1932 , the scientist left Germany for the United States , where he taught at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton . He became an American citizen in 1940 . During his last years he worked to integrate gravitational and electromagnetic forces into the same theory . He died in Princeton , New Jersey , on April 18 , 1955 . Although he is