REVISTA CIENTIFICA Revista-Cientifica-2.0 | Page 12

Galileo Galilei , was born in Pisa , Italy in the year 1564 . Son of Vincenzo Galilei who was a musician of undoubted spirit renovador , defender of the change of an anquilosada religious music in favor of more modern forms . Both Galileo and his father had a modern and advanced vision of the World , in the middle of the Middle Ages . In 1583 Galileo begins in mathematics through Ostilio Ricci , a friend of the family , student of Tartaglia . Since then , he feels a follower of Pythagoras , Plato and Archimedes and opposed to Aristotelianism . Still a
3.1 Painting by Galileo Galiei student , discover the law of the isochronous pendulums , the first stage of what will be the
A controversial scientist of the discovery of a new science : mechanics . Within
Renaissance Age the current humanist , also draws a fierce pamphlet against the teachers of his time . All his life , Galileo will reject being compared to the professors of his time , which would entail numerous enemies .
In 1606 , Galileo built his first thermoscope , the first device in history that allows an objective comparison of the level of heat and cold . That same year , Galileo and two of his friends fell ill on the same day of the same infectious disease . Only Galileo survives , who will remain crippled with rheumatism for the rest of his days . In the two years that follow , the sage studies the structures of magnets . In 1609 , due to a rumor made by a student of his , he decides to build his first telescope . Of many failed attempts , very few were adequate . For 1610 , it presents its first instruments .
Galileo generated dilemmas with the Catholic Church , since the government in the Middle Ages was an ecclesiastical one . He promoted the separation between Church and Science . The conflict between Galileo and the Catholic Church was a conflict between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning . The induction based on the observation of reality , characteristic of the scientific method that Galileo used for the first time , offering experimental proofs of his affirmations , and publishing the results so that they could be repeated , in front of the deduction , starting in the last instance of arguments based on authority , either philosophers like Aristotle or the Holy Scriptures .
Thus , in relation to his defense of the heliocentric theory , Galileo always relied on data extracted from experimental observations that proved the validity of his arguments . In summary , and despite the fact that it is sometimes argued that Galileo