Poor that supports privatization of public universities nor are people. Now seriously, Project Alpha is a great project. Very well organized, structured and executed, those responsible for your event are quite competent people in my opinion, and bring back to our eBrasil a kind of classroom. Very interesting for new players, in which there is a periodicity in relation to the classes and the students are absorbing the content from a purely expositive approach, quite similar to the traditional teaching with the use of technologies, the teacher, who is knowledge centric prepares the material, exposes it to the student, it studies it, assimilates it, reflects it and criticizes the content studied, and then it is necessary to prove that it has learned something, since there is no sense in having goals and not evaluating the results of what has been given. The project helped me yes, I learned new things, but I think it's necessary to raise the level of the questions a little bit and try to vary each edition (I know it's difficult but it's necessary.) And this advice is given for the purpose of doing the project survive and become durable for considerable time, since if the variation of the questionings is not shocking, there will come a point where people will reassess the proof without even having attended a lesson of the respective project.
In this edition of the project, 9 students enrolled in the 4 modules of the course, 5 were approved in all, 2 did not take the test and 2 did not get a minimum grade.
The project, which began in August under the government of Prince Kramer, completed 3 months of work and 2 classes completed.
From the outset, the goal of the Project has always been to encourage the novices and veterans more directly, teaching a little about the main areas of the game, and of course providing more dynamics and interactivity to our eBrasileiros players.