Revista Acontece Edição 4 Inglês | Page 5

Communication, from ancestral times, plays a very important role in the development of civilizations. It breaks down barriers, unites people, builds connections and dizzies distances. In current times, it is confused with the connection of digital social networks, mass media where everyone speaks for everyone.

Faced with this sea of ​​information and connections, an agent is needed to organize all this data and pass it on to the recipient in an organized and objective manner. That is why the role of journalism is so essential in this context.

By practicing his methods, the journalist is able to filter and translate the information, ensuring that all facts of public interest are disclosed. In this sense, the support of the community around the activities carried out by the official communication channels of each government is essential.

 Of course, it is even more important to support private initiative, both as consumers and as sponsors. We have new times in the eRepublikana integration, and the valorization of the journalistic activity is an impacting factor for its maintenance.

Sir. Policarpo Quaresma

Minister of Communications