Trending topics, are a group of ideas or
currents from any topic that are having a big
impact around the world. It is a fact that these
topics, can make anyone change their mind,
dress different from usual, or just change
someone’s preferences. These trending
topics are more relevant to talk about with
teenagers, who always want to be upgraded
about trending topics all around the world for
simply reasons that will be seen then. These
trending topics can make a positive or
negative impact on these teenagers and
people´s mind, depending on their different
ideas or way to be and behave.
When teenagers see something attractive
that is causing any kind of impact around
people, they will always want to have it, be
like it, dress it, etc. Anyways, teenagers
always want to be egocentric or on fashion to
impress the rest and being “popular”.
Probably, when we talk about trending topics,
we will firstly think about fashion or the latest
music, but that’s not it. For example, in
schools, we see people using the newest
fashion inventions, like the airpods, iphones,
accessories, etc.
In another side, people also want to be
updated about celebrities’ lives and emulate
them, so, for this they use different social
media like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube,
etc. and create their own image just as the
celebrities. In many cases, people are also
able to change their way to behave with their
family, by decreasing the time and
communication with them just because they
want to stay next to their phone, which in
most of the cases, it can become into an
addiction with this network, making them take
also, wrong decisions.
Trending topics aren’t always useless for
teenagers and people lives. For example,
topics such as vegan life, exercise, etc. are
good influences for anyone’s life by changing
the bad habits and lifestyles in a good way,
making their life healthier and take healthier
choices, which avoids them to contract
disease like obesity, anorexia, diabetes, etc.
and makes everything way much easier for
them. These “good” trending topics, makes
people lives change for a good reason and
cause scientifically approved, and they can
also be considered fashionable for people
who want to be on fashion.
In order to summarize all the information
seen in the text, we can conclude that
there’re two types of trending topics that will
always change people lifestyles but in order
to have a different impact in their life; the bad
influences which takes the subject to change
his life with a useless purpose that may
cause problems at any grade in his life; and
in the other side, we have the good
influences, which have a good purpose and
effect on the subject. Also, trending topics,
can have an influence when the subject is
going to take any decision, and when it
decides which friends to choose and stay
By. Nicolas van Bilderbeek.