Reviews and Synopsis: Harlem 254 | Page 12


Pages By: Anita Chavarin-Rodriguez

Renowned Composer: Eubie blake

Eubie Blake is a man of many talents, he's a composer, lyricist, and pianist. A master of jazz and ragtime

Box Office Hits

Shuffling Along right to the top:


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Premiering on Broadway at the Daly’s 63rd Street Theater on May 23rd 1921, Shuffle Along has become one the most important shows in Broadway. This is due to it being the first all-Black Broadway musical with hits written by stellar Black artists. Shuffle Along is single handily altering the face of Broadway musicals as we know them, its proven time and time again that audiences from all over New York City are willing to pay to see a stage production managed and produced by the finest black talents in the city. Shuffle along has been the creation of Flournoy Miller and Aubrey Lyles who adapted the plot and characters from their Vaudeville Comic sketched and features music by Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle, these four met at a 1920 NAACP benefit in Philadelphia and the rest is history. It’s projected running time is from May 23, 1921 till July 15, 1922, during this window of time Shuffle Along is expected to put on 484 performances so don’t miss your chance to see what everyone in Harlem is ranting and raving about.