REVEAL Q1 2017 | Page 31

You founded a nonprofit , Therefor © , last year . Please tell us more about this and how others can get involved ? Women make up 52 % of the workforce , yet less than 9 % are top earners . The anecdotal “ glass ceiling ” still exists , however , too often women inhibit their own advancement . Through education and encouragement , Therefor © empowers women to evenly participate in the economy – ultimately closing the wage gap . We take a unique approach by targeting the problem at the source we affect most directly : ourselves . We cannot wait for the system to change , we must create the change we want to see . It is with this in mind that we created a program that allows women to define their own value .
Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you ? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you ? Why and how did this person impact your life ? My mentor , best friend , hero , and biggest fan is my Nanny . She is the reason I have come as far as I have . It is through her guidance and love that I have found the strength to accomplish my dreams . I am undoubtedly the most lucky person for having her .
What should every woman try at least once in her life ? Every woman should try , at least once in their lives , to do something daring . Do something that surprises yourself . Go out on a limb and risk everything . The results will usually surprise you .
What is the best advice you ’ ve been given ? Fake it until you make it . My mother told me that after my first heartbreak . As time has gone by , I now interpret it as this ; you can , in fact , change your reality by changing the way you react to it . Create the reality you want .
What is your greatest indulgence ? My dog , aka my spirit animal ;)
What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you ? I don ’ t drink caffeine .
What do you like doing in your spare time ? What is this spare time that you speak of ? No , I really enjoy running . It is my true escape .
Who is Alea ? Alea Bennett is a marketing executive , avid runner , and philanthropy aficionado . Raised in small-town Rutledge , Georgia , she aspired to more than the stereotypical lifestyle of her peers . “ Marry your high school sweetheart , go into the family business , and have kids . That was the norm , it just wasn ’ t what I was meant for .” Eager to break the mold , Alea put herself through college by maintaining a full-time job . It was in undergrad where she began her career in marketing .
Since graduating from The University of Georgia , Alea has made a name for herself in the nonprofit community . “ I knew , from the beginning , that my calling was to help people -- I just had no clue how .” Alea is now the founder of a nonprofit , Therefor © . Through education and encouragement , Therefor © empowers women to evenly participate in the economy – ultimately closing the wage gap .
Reveal | Q1 2017 31