navigating regulatory issues such as ISPM 15 and EU Parliament solid waste directives.
Will Novy-Hildesley, Executive Director, North American Forest Partnership, talked about #ForestProud, and the work it does to help raise public awareness about forests through producing high quality content that its membership group can use to promote their cause. Its members include a diverse group of individuals, companies, agencies, non-profits and organizations that have come together around shared values to start a conversation about the future of forests.
"How trusted are we as a community?" Novy-Hildesley asked. "When you talk about what you do--when you tell them you work in the forest sector, do you think they trust who you are? You are involved in cutting down trees."
Negative perceptions of the forest industry still persist, and #ForestProud is working to change that. "You have an absolutely incredible story to tell," he said. Unfortunately, it is still not widely enough understood.
He believes that many people look at forests simplistically. They think of them romantically, as mythical trees that live forever, or nostalgically, as a place where they enjoyed camping or hunting, perhaps, or unfortunately, as a clearcut. There is an understanding gap as well as a trust gap.
"I believe this sector is poised to solve some of the biggest problems we face as a society today," he said. For more information, visit forestproud.org.
Photo credit: NWPCA
Above: Robotic dismantling machines from Alliance Automation were on display at two different plants.