Sonoco joins Amazon APASS supplier network
Sonoco, one of the largest diversified global packaging companies, is now an official participant in the Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network (APASS). The APASS program was designed by Amazon to help support vendors, sellers and manufacturers to obtain certification of their products as Frustration Free Packaging (FFP), Ships-in-Own-Container (SIOC) or Prep-Free Packaging (PFP). Sonoco now provides APASS services directly to vendors, sellers and manufacturers related to package testing in compliance with Amazon’s certification test methods. In this capacity, Sonoco partners with brands to design and certify packaging that meets Amazon’s unique requirements and helps companies protect and sell products more cost effectively.
"Global e-commerce sales are expected to increase 246 percent by 2021, to $4.5 trillion,” said Marcy Thompson, Sonoco vice president of marketing and innovation.
“Consumers want the convenience of easy comparison shopping and having a product delivered to their doorstep. We know that this makes packaging an even more essential part of the equation, because the correct packaging streamlines the fulfillment process, ensures that the product arrives to the consumer in prime condition, and provides the optimal introduction to the brand itself. Jim Lowry, our director of new business development for Sonoco Protective Solutions, and his team have worked with Amazon to achieve this certification, which is one more way we can partner with our customers to help them grow and develop new solutions as the global marketplace evolves.”
Sonoco is a global provider of both primary and secondary packaging products and services, delivering innovative solutions to industrial and consumer businesses. Sonoco’s Protective
Solutions Division is a fully integrated, full-service, multi-material packaging provider that includes in-house design and prototyping capabilities, along with ISTA certified testing. Sonoco’s design and testing experience is especially tailored to help companies meet Amazon Prep-Free Packaging, Ships-in-Own Container, Frustration Free Packaging and Over Box packaging needs for medium to heavy bulky goods that require shipping through e-commerce channels.
Customers interested in Sonoco’s APASS offering should contact Jim Lowry at 615-744-2475.
To learn more about the program, visit www.aboutamazon.com/sustainability/packaging.