Reusable Packaging News
superior product protection and ventilation of reusable containers.
The Importance of Repeated Reuse
The fact that reusable packaging can be reused on multiple occasions is not in itself a compelling argument, however – an understanding well known by industry providers. The possibility of reuse is no more convincing than the argument that ocean plastic is recyclable. Recyclable plastic is still in the ocean, strangling turtles and being ingested by fish, as too many photos graphically display. The value of reusables, at risk of stating the obvious, is in their repeated reuse. Steps to ensure successful reuse and end of life recycling help differentiate reusable plastic pallets and containers from the supermarket plastic trash generation that is currently in the crosshairs of UK lawmakers. Successful asset management is crucial.
Plastic reusable packaging provides important contributions to sustainable, cost-effective supply chains. Pressure from the current plastic backlash should give providers and users pause to ensure that their plastic packaging is long lasting and well managed so that it stays in service and is not swept up in illicit back-alley grinding schemes or otherwise lost from useful service.
Through demonstrated successful reuse, the reusable packaging industry clearly distances itself from the current backlash. Given our current environmental concerns, reusable packaging is more important than ever. With plastic squarely in the glare of public scrutiny, we are afforded the opportunity to explain how reusable packaging is different than the disposable plastic currently dominating the headlines, and as such, promote its use in support of sustainability.
Sustainable Packaging Alternative for Meal Kit, Refrigerated Product Delivery
Blue box friendly packaging from TemperPack.
Only four years ago TemperPack was a garage business founded by three young friends. They were focused on developing a ‘green’ alternative to Styrofoam and quickly latched onto the meal kit industry as it began taking off.
TemperPack, which has made a name for itself by developing an insulated recyclable packaging product that is environmentally friendly, has raised the bar with a new product that goes even further. It also is on the verge of entering another important market.
Based in Richmond, Virginia, TemperPack quickly found a niche in the rapidly growing meal kit industry with its first product. Made from jute and using material recycled from burlap bags, the packaging provides insulation to keep perishables chilled during shipping, and after use it is compostable. The company has supplied the product to Plated, one of the leaders in the meal kit industry.
In May TemperPack announced it was launching a new product, trademarked ClimaCell. The latest insulating packaging product is made from paper-derived material and other biomaterial and is curbside recyclable.