Retro Gaming Magazine Jan. 2014 | Page 12

Contra Hard Corps by Konami Sega Genesis—August 1994 Words by Carl Williams Contra is a game series that started out in North America on the Nintendo Entertainment System, had Nintendo's invasive contracts held, would have stayed. Konami was not one to rock the boat with Nintendo at all, unlike Capcom who had no problem licensing out arcade titles to Sega (Strider, Ghouls n Ghosts, etc), Konami was a Nintendo hold out, at least in the United States. Japan was slightly different where they supported the PC-Engine (Turbo Grafx-16 in North America). With their flagship run and gun series, it was all Nintendo and the same was true for their other titles as well. For the most part, Sega was left out of the Konami game offerings. Sega offered up titles such as Midnight Resistance but it never caught on with gamers either in the arcade or at home. Even with Contra: Hard Corps, the Genesis version was released a good two years after the Super Nintendo got Contra III: The Alien Wars. The question is, did Konami use that two year difference to improve, innovate and incinerate the competition? In a word, yes. The Genesis version just comes off more gritty, more dangerous appearing and more like you would think a post apocalyptic devastated world would look like. The Super Nintendo version is not as gritty and dark which lends to a weird contradiction of the idea and the execution. Hard Corps is more than just a run and gun affair, there is a storyline that plays out, some control over the outcome and how you get there is in your hands. With Alien Wars, it is a pretty linear endeavor to complete, simply go through the levels and hope you survive. Hard Corps offers branching paths that will bring you in the line of fire of different enemies, level challenges and a different storyline depending on your choices. This is the evolution of Contra, not just a prettier version of the 8-Bit classics. Explosions are a Contra staple and here the Genesis version just feels more satisfying. Things blow apart nine ways to hell in the Hard Corps. When you take