Retro Gaming Magazine April 2014 | Page 32

The story of how Sony got into gaming is quite a story, not one we will repeat all of here but they had the door held open for them by Nintendo who promptly pulled the rug out from under them at the last second. Sony got up and promptly took over the gaming world with the Playstation. God of War on the NES only gives you three hits before it is game over and trust me, this is one tough cookie to beat. Story elements are presented by entering rooms and a person on a high pedestal gives advice or commentary about your objectives coming up. Did I mention this hack is amazingly hard? Enemies come out of nowhere and they move like a bat out of hell across the screen giving you very little time to react. This makes the game extremely challenging but for the wrong reasons. Cheapness abound here, be warned. For some gamers this is a welcome challenge but for many, it is just a headache better avoided if possible. Thanks to game hacker, pacnsacdave, the classic Nintendo Entertainment game, Rygar by Tecmo is now God of War. Obviously this is not an official game from Sony who have learned quite well from their experience with Crash Bandicoot on the original Playstation and how he got away from them into the wild. Sony would probably get out of gaming before they let God of War out of their family of games. If you feel that games today are too easy, check out this Rygar hack, it is a definitely a flying controller game if I have ever played one. It is quite fitting to take Rygar and hack it to become a God of War game, after all Tecmo showed with the Playstation 2 release of Rygar: The Legendary Adventure that the whole chain weapon thing was not created by Sony’s favorite son, Kratos. The limitations of the system are played up to and everyone appears “similar” to the original source material which is needed for these types of hacks to gain popularity with gamers. The range of the weapon here is not nearly as far as what gamers are used to on the newer Sony hardware but this is an all new adventure for fans to take on. All of the levels are redone and don’t resemble the original Rygar game at all, even enemies have been redone to reflect God of War. These hacks are interesting because they take old games and breathes new life into them with a more recent game setting. 32