Retro Gaming Magazine April 2014 | Page 29

This is one of those articles that I kind of dread writing. Akira is either loved or hated by those that have seen it, there is no middle ground really. It is a very polarizing Anime. Unfortunately for North American gamers, we never got the NES game that was based on the movie. Thanks to fans though, that has been rectified and the game is pretty good, not as good as the Anime though. close-up shots of the characters in the game so that you could better make out what is going on. The way the game is now, you may as well be literally talking to a wall since you will be hard pressed to see the NPC that is talking. The game opens with Kaneda having been taken into police custody with most of his motorcycle gang minus one member who was abducted by the military. Gameplay is similar to Policenauts (page 26) with a cursor and menu combination for interacting with the game world. Picking look from the menu will allow you to move a cursor around the screen and select exactly what you want to look at whether it be a person or an item. AKIRA NES/FAMICOM The beloved Anime in game form. Words: Carl Williams There is no real need to have watched, or enjoyed, the Anime that this game is based on. Everything is pretty well explained in the game. This makes it easier for anyone interested in thinking they are controlling the story of Akira. The text is pretty hard to read in many places as the game tries quite hard to follow the movie and some of the text simply doesn’t make sense when trying to figure out your next move. It doesn’t help that so many non-player characters are given extremely generic names such as “groupie” or “Army” and the like. This makes it hard to identify with the person talking, let alone keeping the story straight as you progress in the game. The game is not great but for fans of the movie it will be worth checking out since most of the scenes are redrawn from the movie. Since this is the NES we are talking about, there probably was no way to scan cells from the movie and include those. What is here is decent, thought the art could have been better as Jesus (previous page) shows the NES is capable of better. Akira was a classic Anime but there is a reason the game is not revered in a similar light. The developers could have done so much better to create a gaming classic. This one is only for die-hard Akira fans, everyone else check out some of the other Digital Comics in this issue for better games. Character artwork is quite poor and many times who you are interacting with is off in the distance of the scene. It would have been better had the designers used more 29