Pensions Authority Member Representation
Pension Pay Dates
New Look Payslips & P60
Annual General Meeting 2012
2 4 5 6
Pension Authority HERE Member Representation
Equitable Life
Update 9
Customer Service Excellence Review 10
New District Offices
Parkinson ’ s
UK 11
Overseas Pension
Payments 13
Electrical Fire
Warning 14
Alaska Cruise
Report 15
Winner 18
Puzzler 18
Are Here To Help 20
You may remember back in 2011 , we appointed 5 of our retired members to join our Pensions Advisory Panel . We now have a vacancy and are therefore looking for retired members who would be interested in joining the panel . The Pensions Advisory Panel is made up of retired and deferred members along with union representatives who meet on a quarterly basis . The role of the panel is to consider all matters relating to the Authority ’ s working arrangements and to provide feedback to the full authority and its Boards including :
• Funding of the pension scheme , its investments and actuarial valuation ;
• Administration of the pension fund , service delivery , communications and performance , and
• Consultation matters with Government and industry groups .
Provisional meeting dates for the coming year are 11 th June 2013 , 1 st October 2013 and 21 st January 2014 .
If you are interested in being part of the panel and would be available on the above dates we would like to hear from you . Please email Karen Roberts , Communications Manager , at kroberts @ sypa . org . uk providing the following information :
• Your name and National Insurance number ;
• Previous employment history , employer and job title ;
• A few lines telling us why you would like to join the panel and what skills you would bring to the group .
Training will be given for the role and travelling allowances paid for attendance .