Retirement Insight issue 38 Jun 2013 | Page 14

Overloading extensions increases your chance of having an electrical fire . Go to www . syfire . gov . uk


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Overloading extensions increases your chance of having an electrical fire . Go to www . syfire . gov . uk

Our homes are full of electrical items . But if used incorrectly , some can cause fires .
Fires started by electrical equipment kill 50 people each year and are the cause of about a third of all the house fires we attend .
Take these simple steps to keep your home and your loved ones safe Don ’ t overload sockets - long , strip adaptors are the safest , but can only take a total of 13 amps
Switch off electrics at night and when you leave the house- especially high-powered things like washer dryers , heaters and irons
Look out for frayed wires and scorch marks and replace items that have them
How safe are your adaptors ?
Most plugs in this country are fitted with a 3 amp or 13 amp fuse . You can find out which by looking on the back of each plug . Things like lamps , TVs and laptops are normally rated 3 amps . Washing machines , dishwashers , microwaves , kettles , toasters , irons and hair dryers are normally 13 amps . Just because an adaptor or extension lead has several sockets , doesn ’ t mean you can fill all of the sockets with plugs . You need to check the fuse rating of each plug to make sure the total number of amps for all the plugs isn ’ t more than the recommended limit for your adaptor - normally 13 amps .