Retirement Insight April 2014 Issue 40 | Page 4

Annual General Meeting 10th October 2013 We are delighted to announce...... RECEIVING PENSION PAYMENTS ON BEHALF OF A MEMBER WHO IS INCAPABLE OF MANAGING THEIR 2013 I hope that those of you who attended the Annual General Meeting last year found the event informative. If you have any ideas for future speakers or organisations that you would like us to invite to this meeting please let us know. Last year’s AGM for scheme members was held at The Source in Sheffield on the evening of 10th October. Service Element There were 56 members present. Presentations were given by Gary Chapman, Head of Pensions Administration who gave an interesting Administration Review and John Hattersley, Fund Manager updated the audience with the Investment Report. The table below shows the results of a survey held to find out what our members thought of the meeting. Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Start time 55.3% 31.5% 13.2% 0.0% Venue 61.5% 35.9% 2.6% 0.0% Travel arrangements 27.3% Directions 68.6% 25.7% 5.7% 0.0% Helpfulness of SYPA staff 82.9% 12.2% 4.9% 0.0% Navigation around venue 65.9% 19.5% 12.2% 2.4% Hand-out/booklet 39.0% 51.2% 9.8% 0.0% Speakers and Presentations 36.8% 54.5% 47.2% 9.1% 16.0% 9.1% 0.0% The meeting this year will be held in Rotherham. The date and venue will be published in the next edition of this newsletter. If you were unable to attend the AGM the event was filmed, so you can now view the whole meeting via YouTube at the following link 2013 AIREDALE COMPUTER RECYCLING In the last 12 months we have upgraded our computer equipment and as a result donated our old equipment to a company called Airedale Computers. This company forms part of a charity that uses redundant computers to retrain the long term unemployed, helping them to return to the job market, and also provides work experience for local schools. Where possible the equipment we donated will be refurbished to Windows 7 standards and some will be donated to local good causes such as Scouts’ and Sea and Air Cadets. Others will be sold at discounted prices through their 3 retail shops to the general public to allow the community to access technology they would otherwise not be able to afford. OWN AFFAIRS. ..... that we have again received the Government’s much sought after Customer Service Excellence standard (CSE) in recognition of our continued work in providing exceptional customer service. All of our services were reviewed by an independent assessor acting for the Government’s Cabinet Office. The CSE assessment focused on customer insight, delivery, timeliness, information, professionalism and staff attitude which took place over one day. As part of the award the assessor concluded that we be granted one area of ‘Compliant Plus’ with Compliant Plus only awarded for going above and beyond the standard’s requirements, showing uniqueness in service and in demonstrating that customer satisfaction is at the forefront of the service being provided. The strict review process included submitting evidence to demonstrate customer service excellence, and involved the CSE assessor spending time directly observing service delivery, and talking to customers, staff and employers. Some members for a variety of reasons, reach a point where they can no longer manage their affairs, making life difficult for families and/or carers who need to continue looking after them and providing for their needs. If this happens, then a third party can apply to us for payment of a member’s pension to be paid to them instead. The aim of this process is to make life easier for all concerned BUT there have to be safeguards within the procedure to ensure that our members’ interests are protected and that all such applications are genuine. It is important to note that any application will have to be supported by an independent witness to the application and by medical evide