RETINA CARE CONSULTANTS. P.A. Meeting Your Retinal Care Needs | Page 3
• Visiting an eye surgeon for the first time can be an eerie experience. After
all, we see with our eyes and they have always performed correctly, until
now! Suddenly, we seem to be seeing floating spots in the eyes, flashes of
light occur sometimes and our vision is blurred on occasions. These are all
early warning symptoms of a partially detached retina in the eye. Very
often age related, retinal detachment can occur at any time and needs
immediate attention or you can lose your sight permanently. Luckily for us
there are doctors and specialists called Ophthalmic Surgeons. They can
diagnose when a retina, which has pulled away from the soft tissue behind
the eye, needs attention and luckily again, this procedure is carried out on a
daily basis all over the world.
• You can succumb to retinal detachment after cataract surgery although this is
not always the case. Eye damage can occur and can be caused by accidents,
damaging fluids entering the eye or simply age related. If a retina becomes
partially detached or torn then a visit to the eye doctor will probably rectify
the problem. Today, the eye doctor or ophthalmologist can re-attach the
retina with a laser which is a heat process bonding the torn retina back to
the lens or cryopexy, freezing surgery and another bonding technique. Yes, it
can be that simple however, in more serious cases where the retina may
become completely detached you will need comprehensive eye surgery.