Retail Asia 2018 JunJuly2018 | Página 4

June/July 2018 CONTENTS Focus: Pop-up retail Top reasons to embrace shops that pop 17 With the explosion of pop-up retail spaces and events, is flash retailing now a permanent element of the retail industry? Muneerah Bee finds out more ... Retail Space Selling a waste-free lifestyle 26 21 Is it possible to run a retail store that does not produce any trash? Muneerah Bee finds out from the first zero- waste bulk store in Singapore which opened recently offering food and daily lifestyle products without unnecessary packaging. Logistics From online to on the road 27 Digital transformation has left a positive impact on e-commerce today and it is also increasingly playing a bigger role in delivering the purchases. Muneerah Bee gets more insights into what retailers should be aware of when it comes to logistics for e-commerce. NEWS 8 Luxury goods sales growth bottoms out, profit margins resilient under pressure 9 M)phosis makes a surprise emergence 10 Alibaba Group opens office in Malaysia 11 81% of global consumers believe organisations provide a disconnected experience 12 Shift to digital economy in Australia accelerating REGULARS 6 One Viewpoint 13 Trending 19 Special Report 31 Retail Technology 36 E-commerce 74 Review 79 Preview 80 Calendar Asia-Pacific Top500 Retailers Understanding trends in digital marketplaces in Asia-Pacific The annual ranking of the Top 500 retailers in Asia-Pacific highlights the marketplace model for retailers in the future. 39 2 Retail Asia June/July 2018 PHOTO CREDIT: BY DAVIDLOHR BUESO (ORIGINALLY POSTED TO FLICKR AS MUSIC) [CC BY 2.0 (HTTPS:// CREATIVECOMMONS.ORG/LICENSES/BY/2.0)], VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS