Resonate Edition 36 | Page 8

God ' s

Big Story

Act One :


Act Two :


Act Three :


The first two chapters of the Bible provide the foundations for God ’ s big story . While many have debated the ‘ how ’ and ‘ when ’ of these events , the writer of Genesis is more focused on the ‘ who ’ and ‘ why ’ of creation . We are introduced to the main character of this whole story : our God who is all powerful , making everything out of nothing ; relational and self-revealing , speaking all things into being ; creative and purposive , filling and beautifying all He makes .
We are invited to stand in awe at His power and worship Him . We are also introduced to humanity : God ’ s beloved , made in His image ; created for relationships with God , one another , and creation ; entrusted to enjoy and steward all He has made . We are invited to experience intimate relationship with Him .
It doesn ’ t take long for the central conflict of God ’ s story to arrive . The antagonist of this story , our enemy Satan , takes the opportunity to prey on humanity ’ s freedom , tempting them to put their own desires and decisionmaking above obedience to their Creator ’ s words . Adam and Eve disobey God , committing idolatry by placing something within creation ( themselves ) in the Creator ’ s place .
The entrance of sin into the world mars God ’ s good creation and distorts the relationships He has established . Humans find themselves separated from God , at war with one another , internally displaced by shame and at odds with all creation . We are left to wonder how God will restore all that has been broken .
The Old Testament story of Israel reveals God ’ s plan of restoration . It begins unexpectedly : an old , barren couple called to leave everything and trust God to lead them . God promises Abraham land , descendants , a special relationship with God and blessing through them for the whole world . God rescues Abraham ’ s descendants from oppression in Egypt , displaying His mighty power and compassion . He gifts them the Torah , His teaching and instruction , so they can respond to the relationship He has initiated by grace .
They are called to live differently , set apart to make known God ’ s character and purposes . But once they enter the land God promised , they face the temptation to be like other nations around them . Israel ’ s story is one of repeated faithlessness and God ’ s abiding faithfulness . Eventually the people are exiled from their land , but God remains faithful and restores them , continuing to point toward a new day when He will send His promised King to bring restoration once and for all .