Resonate Edition 36 | Page 11

God helping you : Take your everyday , ordinary life – your sleeping , eating , going-to-work , and walking -around life – and place it before God as an offering .

Productivity looks different in different seasons ( and that ’ s OK )
Actually , ‘ productivity ’ in itself is not the main game . “ So here ’ s what I want you to do ”, Paul writes to the Romans , “ God helping you : Take your everyday , ordinary life – your sleeping , eating , going-to-work , and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering .” Romans 12:1 ( MSG )
My ‘ everyday , ordinary life ’ looks totally different today than it did last year and looks different again to the years before that . But whatever my life is like today , whatever tasks I do today – and whether or not I feel like I have achieved anything at all – I can choose to place them as an offering before God . Even if some days it was , almost literally , just sleeping and eating !
Hold things lightly
Letting go of my work role and responsibilities was a hard part of this journey , in amongst the loss or change of many other things . I ’ ve learnt , and am learning , to hold things securely while they are mine to hold , realising the significance of what ’ s been given to me for a time , and simultaneously to hold them lightly , knowing that I am the steward and not the owner .
The story will change , again
It will change again in ways that I can ’ t see or imagine from where I stand now . Although I can ’ t prepare for these unknown changes specifically , I can intentionally build foundations , as a house on a rock that will not be shaken when the next storms come . And the experience of God ’ s presence and faithfulness in past seasons is a testimony that can help strengthen my foundations for the future .


So now , if you asked me , “ What ’ s your story ?”, my answer would be less direct and more winding , like the path that I have been on to get here . But throughout it all , without question , are the threads of God ’ s faithfulness and grace that have been there from the very beginning .
resonate · issue 36 · page 10