Resonate Edition 35 | Page 2

Hello… from the editor So. Many. Stories. Stories just make sense, right? From childhood we get stories. It’s almost unnecessary to go into why stories are powerful or how they impact us because we innately know that they are and they do. From our earliest years we connect with and through stories. As we age we might let go of the cardboard crowns and backyard plays, but stories become no less immersive or important. They’re so human. Every culture uses stories. Stories unite people, break down walls, build empathy and keep traditions alive. Yes, telling stories, engaging with other people’s stories, using stories to make people think is all so human. Is there more to it? Does our fascination with stories not so much show our humanity, but that we, and stories, are God-breathed? Are they yet another way in which we are reflecting our creator? On Earth, Jesus told stories, He listened to stories (especially from those who weren’t valued in society) and used stories to transform hearts. This is part one of a two part Resonate series on stories. In this edition we focus on the power of stories and next time we’ll dig deeper into what this means for us as we seek to share God’s stories among the least-reached and in our own backyards. As I write this, at work but at home, my newsfeed is full of Covid-19. It’s full-on, everchanging and sometimes scary. But you already know that, and this edition of Resonate isn’t going to add to the Covid-19 noise. Give yourself permission to switch off from it all and enter another world through the following pages. Our website is jam packed with new digital resources for May Mission Month and beyond. In Step A powerful short film sharing the stories of three Yawo believers in Malawi, and how God is using the Global Interaction team as part of their stories. Resonate Videos Two 3 minute videos of people responding to the same prompt from their own unique perspective. Perfect to slip into your church’s livestream! Podcast Four episodes exploring the key themes of In Step through stories from all over the world. Read all about it on pages 7 - 8 of this edition of Resonate. Cross-Cultural Worker Update Videos Ministry updates and stories straight from the workers you partner with. So encouraging! Let’s dive in! Teagan resonate · issue 35 · page 1